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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/9 2003, 20:12 +01:00

    Re: date formating > minor problem...

      Looks like it was your fault this time? ;-)

      Did you enter:

      Input=Day0.Month0.Year, Hour:Minute

      in the "Your input format" field at the definition of "when" ?

      The "Input=" is wrong, it should be just

      Day0.Month0.Year, Hour:Minute

      Is there some text in the documentation which misleads to this wrong usage?

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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/9 2003, 20:12 +01:00

    Re: date formating > minor problem...

      Looks like it was your fault this time? ;-)

      Did you enter:

      Input=Day0.Month0.Year, Hour:Minute

      in the "Your input format" field at the definition of "when" ?

      The "Input=" is wrong, it should be just

      Day0.Month0.Year, Hour:Minute

      Is there some text in the documentation which misleads to this wrong usage?

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    Message from krauth on 7/10 2003, 23:04 +10:00

    Re: date formating > minor problem...

      uh... ok... yaeh... right...

      no - no funy docu...
      i copied it out of a parameter field in the field few of my database... as i had the problem with the missing month... the month was still missing - so i didn't realize...

      nobody is perfect...


      thanx for a great job by the way!!
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