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Message from Harald Bjerkan on 9/26 2007, 19:51 +01:00Re: Is there a way to have searchable textareas?Hi.. Take a look in the Library undet Tools - Full search. Harald |
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Message from Liz on 9/24 2007, 20:10 -06:00Is there a way to have searchable textareas?Hi! I would like my textarea to be an option for searching. e.g. If someone wants to search for an article with the word "happy" in it, they would type in "happy" on the search page. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for the help! |
Message from Liz on 10/6 2007, 06:24 +00:00Re: Is there a way to have searchable textareas?Thanks! That helped a lot! :) |
Message from Carl on 3/10 2008, 01:42 +00:00 EMail: Re: Is there a way to have searchable textareas?Hi I saw your full search tool in the library, it looks great, just one thing.... how do I install it? I've got a fantastic plan for a new database idea, I just need to get a full search command up and running! Thanks Carl |
Message from Harald Bjerkan on 3/14 2008, 19:45 +00:00Re: Is there a way to have searchable textareas?Hi.. 1. Create your working folder 2. Create your database and template 3. Copy the Demo system from the library to your working folder by cklcking on "Copy this entry into your directory". 4. Initialize the Demo system as described in the library. 5. Get confident with the Demo system by "playing" with it. Read carefully about using passwords and access codes. 6. Now you may change the target database from "my_club_demo1" to "your_database". The system is not using passwords as default. 7. Include a link to the "full_search" template from your main template. That's it. Harald |
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