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    Message from Quimby on 7/16 2003, 18:52 +00:00

    Is BasePortal what I need?

      I want to find a free block of HTML code that will let me paste it into my existing site code and have a "Password registration and log-in" feature.

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    Message from Jeff on 7/16 2003, 14:48 -05:00

    Moderate and approve posts

      Is there a way I can have the results of a database on a webpage sent to my baseportal account, so that I can see the posts and aprove them before they go live on my web page ?
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    Message from Christoph Bergmann on 7/17 2003, 20:35 +01:00

    Re: Moderate and approve posts

      You should solve this with a special "Approved" field. Just define your database and add a checkbox field and name it "Approved".

      Then, use sth. like

      <do action=all Approved==1 formfields=-Id,Approved>

      in your page and only the entries where you set the "Approved" checkbox will be shown...

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