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Message from : Javid on 6/23 2022, EMail: safow52536@runqx.com

    How to create a Disney plus account?

    To create a Disney plus account you will need a valid email id or a mobile number that receives text messages. So by getting these ready start the process as;

    Take your android smartphone or any device such as a laptop or pc that contains a web browser.
    Then go to the search bar and search the disneyplus.com/begin website.
    Here in the right upper corner, you will get an account symbol.
    Just click on it and then you will see the login screen.
    But as you are new to the Disney plus then you will need to click on the create an account tab.
    It will redirect you to the next page containing some personal details.
    Here enter the details such as prefix, first name, middle name, last name, suffix, a valid email address, and create a strong password.
    Then scroll down and enter the details such as date of birth, country, address, city, and the state.
    Then tick the checkbox of the agreement given within.
    Finally, press the create an account button.
    Wait for the verification link that receives in your email inbox.
    Go to your email inbox and verify the link.
    This will verify your account.
    Now come back to the Disney plus account screen.
    The screen will now proceed further and the success name appears with your account is created phrase.
    In this way, your account will be created on disneyplus.com/begin.
    Now you can use the email address as well as the password to log in to your Disney plus account.

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