Associação Latinoamericana de Sociologia Rural
Diretório de Membros de ALASRU

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Area Tematica:Globalização e Desenvolvimento Rural
Nome:Angela Stach
Instituição:Universidad de Maryland, EU
Titulação Acadêmica:M.A.
Ph.D. (2005)
Trabalhos recentes:Stach, Angela (2003): "The Significance of 'Cancún' for the Global Farmers' Movement", Unabhängige Bauernstimme 9/2003 (Independent Farmers' Voice). Hamm, Germany.

Stach, Angela (2003): "Genetically Modified Food and Farmers' Resistance in the United States". Unabhängige Bauernstimme 7/8/2003 (Independent Farmers' Voice). Hamm, Germany.

Stach, Angela (2003): "´El Campo No Aguanta Más - 'The Countryside Can´t Stand No More´. Mexican Peasants challenge NAFTA and the WTO". Unabhängige Bauernstimme 4/2003 (Independent Farmers' Voice). Hamm, Germany.

Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio, Angela Stach, and Timothy Moran (2003): "Trends in Inequality: Towards A World-Systems Analysis." Globalization and Society: Processes of Differentiation Examined, eds. R. Breton and J.G. Reitz, Westport: Greenwood Press.

Korzeniewicz, Roberto P., Angela Stach, David Consiglio, and Timothy Moran (2002): "Inequality in the World-Economy: Resistance, Markets, and Power". In The Modern World-System in the 20th Century, eds. Ramon Grosfoguel and Margarita Rodriguez, Westport: Greenwood Press.

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