Editorial Mishaps: A Ledger

Editorial Mishaps: A Ledger

This is a virtual ledger designed to be a service to the publishing industry.
We attempt to record faithfully editorial mishaps in children's and young adult
books future editions of these titles will have fewer mistakes.

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Title:Ain't Nothing but a Man: My Quest to Find the Real John Henry
Publisher:National Geographic
Author, Last Name:Nelson
Pub. Year:2008
Page(s):15, 38, 49, 56
Mishaps:on page 15, the end of the first paragraph: "... but in the 19th century, it was the done by crews of trackliners." The "the" before done should be deleted.

On page 38, second paragraph, If it were not for a modern contractor's shovel, no would know that underneath the gully...
It should be If it were not.... , no ONE would know that underneath the gully

on page 49: The last paragraph - "The big prison ledger had given me more that just a description..."
It should be "The big prison leger had given me more THAN just a description..."

p. 56: Second par.: "No wonder the Board of the Virginia Penitentiary was called into action into 1872:"
should read: "No wonder the Board of the Virginia Penitentiary was called into action IN 1872:"


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