All-Sim Appaloosa Horse Club
All-Sim Appaloosa Horse Club

The official registered horses listing for the ASApHC.
Serving the all-sim community since February 2009.

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Horse Name:Tabasco Sozz
Base Color:Bay
Sire:Sozzed Up
Current Owner:Hawk Ridge
Notes & History:Created by Kalla Hawk in April of 2007, Tabasco Sozz** was the very FIRST horse to exist in El Caballo Sim.
He is modelled loosely off a horse that Kalla owned IRL when she was a teenager; the first horse she ever
successfully trained by herself, an unregistered Appaloosa x Quarter Horse colt that she named Tabasco.
When she stood with him at the vet office on the day he was gelded, a friend asked what she would name him,
and she replied "Tabasco". The friend laughed and asked, "Gunna be a hot one, eh?" Kalla will always remember
that day with pride, because the friend had truly been wrong in his assumption: Tabasco, the RL horse, grew
to be a sweet and eager puppy-like friend, and Kalla will never, ever forget him.

Tabasco Sozz** (the simulated horse) is the proud sire of many amazing foals, one of which earned the first
Legion of Merit star in the game El Caballo Sim (now closed). Foals of Tabasco Sozz** are known as purely
champion material ~ they put on the best of performances everywhere they compete, without a doubt.

In January 2009, Hawk Ridge opted to feelance on the all-sim show circuits when El Caballo Sim closed down.
Basco won his way to the top of two games and then took the all-sim world by storm before his retirement.
An exceptional horse in all ways.
Creator/Breeder:Kalla, Hawk Ridge
Last Known URL:
Paternal GrandSire:Sozzin Goer
Paternal GrandDam:Blue Addict
Maternal GrandSire:Desert Diamond
Maternal GrandDam:Decka Pana
Current ASApHC Title:ASApHC Hall of Fame (1,001-5,000 pts)
Horse Name: 
Base Color: 
Current Owner: 
Notes & History: 
Last Known URL: 
Paternal GrandSire: 
Paternal GrandDam: 
Maternal GrandSire: 
Maternal GrandDam: 
Current ASApHC Title: 

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