USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:18.November.2005
    Weeks for Result:8 weeks
    My Experience:As many FMGs, I was not confident enough whether it would be an easy thing for me to pass the cs exam in first chance. However I practised for about 1 month (not consistantly though). I started with UW, but didn't do the practise cases. Then I practised the cases from first aid. My partner was my husband, who also passed the exam at the same time. Now the exam experience. i was feeling very nervous when I reached the center. But I consoled myself this is not the end of world. And moreover if I can't control my tension, it would surely result in failure. However I found most cases similar to First aid (difficulty level). Two cases were more difficult. In the first case I started well, but while counseling I found my mouth completely dry! You know... stress! But I could manage to do the minimum counseling. In the 2nd case I had to drink some water while washing hands, so that I could talk with ease during counseling ( The tap- water in the rooms are drinkable!). From the third case I was feeling easier. Again the fifth one was a nerology case where I couldn't do the PE and counseling, as I used all the time in taking history!! After the 1st break I got a case which I had no idea how to proceed. I am not mentioning the case, but I felt may be that was the dummy case. I finished it within 5 minutes and came out! It was the worst of all! In the last case, I was feeling too much exhausted, probably the SP was feeling the same. I was having problem with constructing appropriate Q and was fumbling, so the SP was a bit annoyed. What I did: 1. Greeting all the patient by their last name. 2. Shaked hand both while entered the room and at the end. 3. Draped before taking the history where appropriate by saying " are you comfortable? its a cold day. let's make you a bit more comfortable". 4. Followed PAMHUGSFOSS and LIQOR AAA (FOR PAIN). So though I couldn't ask all possible questions, I tried to cover most of the points which are scored by the SPs. 5. Showed empathy where I should, offered a glass of water when the SP caughed, said "I am sorry to hear that" when the pt said " I am having ... problem" etc. 6. Washed my hands before PE everytime. 7. Listened to heart and lung in all cases (except peds) other than the specific system. 8.Did counseling with the findings in short, 1 possible diagnosis, and the tests I was going to order ( simple terms like blood tests, cxr). 9.At the end I asked whether the SP had any query or concern.
    My Advice & My Errors:My errors( other than those mentioned above): 1. I forgot to counsel any patient (3/4 cases) for smoking. 2. I didn't mention that I need to do PR/ PV exam in 3 cases. 3. I didn't mention about pregnancy test in one case. 4. I didn't do the musculoskeletal exam in 1 case where the complaint was joint pain. I only examined the range of motion. My advice: 1. First aid is a very good material to prepare with. UW is good for formulating appropriate answer when a pt ask a question. If you don't know the answer, you can start with "well its a good question. But I don't have adequate information right now with me. I will look for it and then get back to you". There are some other approches offered by UW. 2. Follow PAMHUGSFOSS & LIQOR AAA. Also the abbre. for Peds. 3. If you have problem with spoken English speak slowly and clearly. 4. Follow what I did in all cases where applicable. I learned those from the materials I used and also from several forum postings. 5. Practise writing Pt note ahead of time. It is not a easy thing to do! 6. If possible prepare with another examinee. 7. Last but not the least: make your hotel arrangement ahead of time. I had problem with that. I was late in doing so, and suffered a lot in many ways for that. Hope my experience will help you. Good luck. pt pt
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:Best Western Motel. For me and my husband, Cost was around 750 USD (For 3 days stay in Phily including food and taxifare and travelling from and to NY) . Took taxi for traveling to center.
    Name :ap


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