USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:13.April.2007
    Weeks for Result: 
    My Experience:I were satisfied by the attempt, I think. This examination is not about being perfect; no body can be perfect as it is a time-constrained examination. I could not summarize in a couple of cases; I ran out of time to close in the first case (Nausea, and Vomiting; I could only relate to it being a pregnancy case, as the patient was distraught, and denied every other associated symptom I asked), and in one another case (either Weight Loss; the patient was apathetic, and I diagnosed Hyperthyroidism as she denied all other associated symptoms; or may be Chest Discomfort. I otherwise performed satisfactorily in the Chest Discomfort case). Also, I did not offer leg extension in the first case. On an overall basis, I think, I performed satisfactorily. I was very satisfied with my History, and Communication and Interpersonal Skills. On the physical examination aspect, doing, as well as writing in patient note, I were specific about the local examination, and did not do, or write about other systems, as once again, time is key here. I finished most of the cases before time, or just on time. It was only the first case where I had to tell the patient; "I have been paged, and I need to leave. But I shall be back at the earliest." So, let us see now; how it goes. One another important aspect of the examination I think I did fair in; Communication and Interpersonal Skills. I know I utilized the entire time at hand, and put in my best effort to extract all I knew in a pressured situation. Rest is up to the Almighty. We do tend to focus on our mistakes, and get overwhelmed as this examination is of prime importance. But we cannot do anything to amend it now; so we must try, and concentrate on other aspects. I know it is difficult, but we must acknowledge, we have worked hard for this. God shall see this. All the best! Warmest regards!
    My Advice & My Errors:Practice in a timed-mode, and write enough patient notes before you appear in the examination. All the best! I did forget to counsel about Marijuana in one case! I also used the ophthalmoscope incorrectly in one eye, and forgot to do the otoscopic examination in a case of Presbycusis.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:I stayed put at Hilton Garden Inn. But I advise Sheraton; it is just adjacent to the examination centre.
    Name :Ankur Kalra


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