USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:21.June.2007
    Weeks for Result:8 weeks
    My Experience:When you come out of the patient room and sit down to write the patient note you will feel you have forgotten to ask some relevant questions, or forgotten to do some pertinent physicals and after you write the patient note you feel you have messed up with the D/Ds and workup. But forgetting what you have done in the previous case and setting your mind to do the next case with the best of your ability is what that leads to success. I did the same and I passed. I forgot to do CN exam in a patient who had diabetic neuropathy, didn't have enough time to counsel him; addressed an SP who had hip joint pain with the wrong name but immediately looked at my scrap paper and addressed him correctly; had a hard time asking ques and counselling a lady with postpartum depression and attempt for suicide, yet other cases were satisfactory though not good. I missed some things in every case but I stuck to PAM HUG FOSS and remembered to ask all of those, spoke softly and with confidence and I made it through. The waiting for the result has been a tough one especially towards the end as you tend to just remember the mistakes you have done. But all's well that ends well. Right?
    My Advice & My Errors:The mantra is Practice, Practice and Practice. Take your time to practice the patient notes as well. And be confident before the exams. First Aid and USMLEWORLD are the two books I read thoroughly and practiced. Just practiced few patient notes from Kaplan.Watched USMLEWORLD videos. Devote your time on practice. That is what makes a one prefect.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:Hotel-75$, transport-25$
    Name :XYZ


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