USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:27.December.2005
    Weeks for Result:5 weeks
    My Experience:I'm still a medical student, at a school outside the US, not a 100% native English speaker, although I grew up in the East Coast which always helps me SOUND like a fake american. I did most of my senior year electives in the US, and that definitely helped. Kind of got used to what I'm supposed to talk to pts, although I strongly recommend following a certain format (LIQORAAA, PAMFUGHOSS) cuz in that way, you won't miss anything important. Couldn't start working on the CS until I was done with my CK exam. Had only two weeks to prepare. Used UW, printed out all the cases, read them x3, practiced them x2-3 in my head (yeah it's so sad being single), tried to cover almost everything on the SP's checking list. Also, read digitaldoc's blog. Digitaldoc, you rock. You'll see everything you need in his(her?) blog. Thanks a lot!!! You saved my a**. I can't thank you more, digitaldoc. Pt's notes...pretty much the same what you do every morning before rounds. As a non-morning person, I think I never had enough time for everything, but this made me prepare for doing my work (incl writing notes) efficiently and thoroughly at the same time, although I often missed a lot of things and had to cover my ass whenever the attending started asking me anal qs. So, for those of you who have USCE, that'll help you a lot. for those of you who don't, I'm sure you already have enough working experience (unlike me), so I won't worry about it either.
    My Advice & My Errors:Gosh I missed so many things at my exam. Never jump to an easy conclusion. I forgot to check CVA tenderness on a kidney stone pt, which literally knocked me out the moment I closed the door and realized what I had just missed. BUT, it doesn't seem important whether you come up with the right Dx. Just try to do everything that seems to be on the SP's checking list. I actually forgot to advise my pt to lose weight/use condoms x2. Although one of my pts seemed extremely nervous, even rude and hostile, I just ignored that and moved on (I guess I was supposed to say some crappy things like How do you feel, sir? are you nervous? it's totally understandable, I wish I could help you blablabla). man, that guy was rude (I know he was acting, though). I always ran out of time because I stubbornly sticked to the format and asked many qs as possible so that I won't miss anything, although I did, which reveals the fact that I'm just fool. just thought I will score more points by being thorough. Physical--just do it quick, or at least fake it. the SP won't even notice whether you really felt the pulse or not, just make sure the SP clearly sees what/where you're examining, whether you're doing them correctly. The SPs can't fake heart sounds or pulses or thyromegalies. Just put your hand/stethscope on the right place and keep them there for 1-2 seconds. All they can fake are breath sounds and maybe some neuro signs. Maybe some more. Any comments are welcome.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:A hotel in the U Penn Hospital/$120 per night with the CS discount. I guess it's because of the holiday season. the only hotel within a waking distance from the center that was available then.
    Name :JEEP


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