USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:17.May.2006
    Weeks for Result:6
    My Experience:I was really nervous about this exam for some reason.Kept on postponing it for some time.When I actually took it, I was surprised at how chill this exam was and how quickly it went by.I did mess up my first case as I was kind of nervous but as soon as I came out I realised and I did some damage control with the patient note.Also,in most cases I was only able to do basic lung,heart and abd exam but I was really nice to the patient..Asked them about there life and looked them in the eye while talking.Did have some uncomfortable pauses where I couldn't think of what to ask next but I covered it up by apologising and confirming some things.I did forget to counsel 2 patients for their drinking and smoking.
    My Advice & My Errors:My advice would be to be thorough with the history taking and clinical exam.I practised with my husband and also said it out loud while studying by myself.I would act as if I was talking to the patient.I would just ask all the questions starting from head to toe unless it was totally irrelevant but it helps you to remember all the things to ask.I used first aid and usmle world and ofcourse the helped a lot..
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:I stayed at the Best western hotel...for some reason at the time of my exam all the hotels were booked up cos of some big conferences going on at that time.It wasn't the greatest but it was functional and was around 2 miles from the center which was ok cos we drove there and had our own car.
    Name :svindc


    Exam Center: Atlanta  Chicago  Houston  Los Angeles  Philadelphia

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