USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:11.May.2006
    Weeks for Result:6 weeks
    My Experience:I did it well and immediately after the exam i felt for sure that i would definitely time passed by i started to recollect the mistakes i've done and the questions i forgot to ask and the things i forgot to mention in the pt notes.the SPs were very cooperative in the philly center.I did not get any telephone case or child case.each SP had a challenging question for me and i answered the, all as best as i could(though i did not expect some of them) and in the end i always asked them if they were satisfied or it they had any questions regarding that.I had to prepone my exam due to some personal reasons and at the time i got the date i had exactly 2 weeks and i guess that is very well sufficient if u utilise well.I learned the cases from uw and the reviewed FA for pt notes.I did not have anyone to practice with so i had to do it all by myself(the questioning as well as answering).
    My Advice & My Errors:the important part is the communication with patient in simple words that the sp can understand which requires practice with all the basic questions provided in uw.knock the door and introduce yourself and shake their hand if possible,DO NOT forget the name of the sp.U might want to address him during closure of the case.always ask them before doing physical exam,extend theleg rest when they lie down,ask them before u untie and tie their gown,drape them properly,always try to ask a few open ended questions if there is a the relevant physical exam first and always try to close the case and ask them if they have any questions,wish them or shake their hand an dleave the room. i had trouble adjusting the time in the first case but i managed to close it however,after u hear the warning if u r not done with PE try to do relevant exam and close the case.if u r writing the space is limited so pracitce keeping the note short.I know all this is mentioned in the orientation cd and u do not need advice from me as some of u might think but this what mattered in the end.this is what i did right and i passed though i could not do complete physical exam in some is better if u have a partner and if u practice to do everything within time.the proctors are also very not forget to wash hands as one of fellow examinees did forget in the tension.remember that sp will note everything even if they dont mention it to u.And DO NOT PANIC if they ask u challenging questions and u didnt read them in FA or UW.try to stay calm and give them some reasonable answer.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:I traveled by AMTRAK from baltimore to 30th street station in philly which is very close to ecfmg.I stayed with my cousins who happen to live very near to ecfmg too so i do not have much idea abt the cost of the stay.But the train cost me $100 roundtrip but u might get it for $75 if u have AAA membership and if u take it 3 days is a convenient way for people traveling from baltimore and DC took 1 hour to reach there.They say they provide light meal but i felt that is a feast out there when i saw the items on the table.U dont have to worry abt that.AND finally thanks to everyone who have helped me with their valuable Q's and A's as i was a silent member in this forum.
    Name :gayathri


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