USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:28.August.2008
    Weeks for Result:WAITING
    My Experience:hi. . well i just took the cs and did the following mistakes. . (can you tell me how much it matters from the sp's grading point of view) though i am not hopeful of passing anyways. . 1. had many cases which needed counselling for alcohol or smoking or diabetes care but. . counselled only two. . GROSS MISTAKE. . my solution. . . counsel during history taking. . as you will find it difficult to remember in the end 2. had so many social cases which warranted asking about abuse or depression due to stress or adjustment problems. . completely missed out on those 3 cases. . another gross mistake. . my solution. . always ask an sp who is not communicating well about any social problems. . just guess and say do you have a problem at home or work 3. didnt tell anyone about any specific diagnosis. . just said it could be this system problem. . we will do tests and find out and tll you. . solutino. . always say a few specific diagnosis. . dont be so damn vague. . 4 came out 6 minutes early in most cases. . and at least 2 mins before in others. . couldnt finish neuro exam or do counselling in one. . 5. badly screwed a paediatric case. . didnt ask any history related to paeds case solution. . give more emphasis on cases which are less well given in u world or fa. . cos if they come then you would be at a loss in front of the sp. . and thats not a good thing. . messing up an easy case can land you in a soup comments please!!! these are my solutions . . experienced ppl please comment
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:1.4 LAKHS INR


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