USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Philadelphia
    Exam Date:21.December.2006
    Weeks for Result:5
    My Experience:after walking out of the CS exam, I felt assured that I had failed! The proctors were very patronizing as they were referring to everyone as 'doctor', as most of us there were senior US students. I even corrected them by informing that not all of us are doctors and in order to become one, we must pass this test first! They took humor to that :) I actually thought that $1200 lunch was quite good, but for that price there should have been some Crystal champagne or something ;-)
    My Advice & My Errors:I could easily rattle off things I forgot in each of the cases, like forgetting to check gait and babinski in a neuro case, forgot to ask about allergies in one case, forgot to ask what happens when the patient takes a med they are allergic to. I felt that my list of differentials and lab tests was very weak, as I usually just listed about 3 of each. I even forgot to write for a rectal exam for occult blood in a case where the pt HAD bloody stools! What worked in my favor, however, was that I maxed out the time for EVERYTHING - I tried to get as many things on the checklist as I could. I usually started the physical exam at the '5 min remaining' warning, and was closing as we were supposed to be leaving. Also, I did all my counseling while taking the history, like if the pt told me he/she smoked, I offered counseling then so I would not forget.

    Best advice: make a list of differentials on your paper BEFORE entering the room, it really helps keep your thoughts organized and allows you to ask the real pertinent questions. I did everything like knocking, addressing, gown, wash hands, ask to start PE, pulled out leg rest, offering water if coughing, yet I was still very uneasy after leaving the exam day - praying that I passed. Practice with another person for at least 5-10 cases, stay calm, speak English, and be nice to the SP's like you would your pt's.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:$4
    Name :thankGod


    Exam Center: Atlanta  Chicago  Houston  Los Angeles  Philadelphia

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