USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Chicago
    Exam Date:2.May.2007
    Weeks for Result:7
    My Experience:I am an FMG and English is my primary language. I prepared for 2 weeks for the exam. I spent this time memorizing First Aid and occasionally practising on my wife. I think that First Aid is not enough to cover every case that you may see on the exam. I had three cases that were not covered in First Aid and so I had to make up a differential on the spot during the exam which was very stressful. I made a lot of mistakes during the exam. These included not finishing the P/E in two cases and having to walk out of the room half way through. I did not counsel any patients about smoking, safe sex or alcohol use! I also forgot to ask one Pt about the medications that she used and her diet even though these were very relevant to her Sx. I forgot to ask about weight loss in another case where cancer was high on the differential and I forgot to include cancer in the differential. I forgot to extend the leg rest in one case and the patient told me off and was then rude to me throughout the exam. The things that I did well were I asked a thorough Hx in all cases except for the things that I mentioned above. I washed my hands, draped patients and knocked on the door in all cases. I typed all my notes and I think my notes were well written for all cases. I asked little questions like "Is there someone who can drive you home". Chicago test center staff were very nice. Food was good (sandwiches and sliced meat of various types. I found out my result using the Oasis trick. Reporting date is available at: Oasis updates around 1 am on the day after the reporting date.
    My Advice & My Errors:Memorize PAMHUGSFOSS. Before entering the room write down each of these letters on your blue paper and leave a space next to each one. This way you won't forget to ask anything important. Also, spend 30 seconds to a minute reading the chief complaint and doing a quick differential before you enter the room. If you walk into the room with a differential in mind then you will seem much more confident and you will ask much more relevant questions. Practise the physical exam and writing notes within the time limit. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time on each of the steps in the physical exam. The Patients won't know the difference between a good exam and a bad one as they are not medically trained.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:Chicago Marriott O'Hare which is right next door to the test center. Cost $150
    Name :Stan


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