USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Chicago
    Exam Date:28.June.2007
    Weeks for Result:7 weeks
    My Experience:I had studied for about 20 days from First- Aid and digitaldoc's Studied all differential diagnosis and had gone through all patient scenarios in FA. Made my own notes for last minute review - mnemonics for d/ds, work-up, short H n PE format for almost all cases. Had practised all counseling conversations and developed my style for talking and building rapport with SP. I bet this preparation not only helped on the exam day but will always help me a long way. I also modified my sleep hours n food timings accordingly for exam day, at least a week before, to get in the routine. On the exam day started afresh, had a smile on my face all throughout (had listened to my favorite music that morning on the way to the centre), had revised all mnemonics and start lines for beginning the conversations... all of it was so mechanical. At the centre there were beverages (tea, coffee, water)... The tutors were very friendly and helpful from start to end. Started with signing in, dressing up (wearing lab coats), getting the stethoscope and the number badges ready.Then our bags and books were locked up in a room; only some money, some extra food and other necessary stuff (required medications, make-up stuff; NO BOOKS)was allowed to be kept along. Then we were assembled in a room, where we had a desk assigned for the whole day to keep our stuff. The tutors gave an orientation for exam and allowed to handle the equipments to use in the examination room. The exam began, and the cases were as mentioned in First aid, and of course as I had expected them to be. I knocked on the door, with a smile entered the room, addressed the SP with his/her last name (at one point where i was not sure about the pronunciation of the name, asked the SP if i was calling it right, and apologized for my mispronunciation). Asked if everything was alright for them in the room and then started with the chief complaint, followed by history questionnaire, washing hands and physical examination. I concluded with a short summary of history n PE followed by my work-up plan.I made it a point to counsel (about smoking/ alcohol/ diabetes control/ hypertension and even in depressed patient) at the time of history when asked about respective points. That saved time in the end at 'conclusion' just in case i was running late and also helped if i forgot about it at the time of conclusion. Each SP had a challenging question to ask, so had to do a lot of pep talk all the while and all the counselings went in the flow of the conversation and the SPs felt comfortable too.

    Also, each SP was a portraying different personalities (as you would see in day to-day life)... some were very friendly, some in pain, some sick, some tensed... Building an eye- contact and trust was very important to keep conversing. After first 5 cases had a lunch break (30 min)... food was just light meal... sandwiches, salad, fruits, cookies n sweet treats, also cold drinks- coke, sprite, water. (don't expect a lot of variety in food, but enough to curb hypoglycemia and not cause post-prandial somnia). Exam then continued and after 4 more cases was another short break (15 min), followed by remaining 3 cases. I chose to write the Patient Notes rather than type coz I have a faster writing speed than typing. My time in the SP's room was well managed, as I finished most of my cases 1-2 min before the final call except for one which i just finished on time and 1 which I could not finish. I was a little nervous, but it helped me stay conscious and alert.

    All throughout I tried my best to be as human (kind, sympathetic as well as empathetic and considerate) as possible.
    I guess thats what worked and of course all advices and support from digital doc and all those who have shared invaluable information on this website.

    My Advice & My Errors:My Advice: Be happy and smiling, look NEAT & CLEAN. Be and sound professional, speak politely and never forget SPs are human beings so treat them well!!! (imagine if you were in their place, how you would've liked to be treated). My errors: I did forget to ask some few questions in the examination room, forgot some exam procedures , some I felt were ok to forget, and some important ones that I missed. But I feel my attitude and also my humility with the SPs paid off.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:not applicable. drove from home(WI)to centre (3hrs- 1way trip) in the morning and back home in the evening.
    Name :Bageshree.


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