USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Los Angeles
    Exam Date:24.July.2007
    Weeks for Result: 
    My Experience:Stayed at the Hacienda the night before (105 USD). Walking distance to test site(2 1/2 blocks away. grocery store, restaurant, and coffee shop across the street. There were about 24 examinees. When you get there they give you the orientation and start around 8:30. They are very efficient time goes really quick. I had 12 cases. All spread out system wise. 2 cases were very ambigous to me, not sure if i got the right diagnosis. I finished the encounter on time and note on time. I usually got done few minutes early. i'm not sure if thats good or bad. Mostley AMG's testing, few IMGs.
    My Advice & My Errors:STAY CALM! my first case i was a nervous wreck, couldn't think all the important question. After the first break i started settling down a bit. I washed hands for everyone, drapped everyone, counseled everyone, and at least ausculatated heart and lungs. note you WILL NOT have enough time to do a detailed PE on any system. I went for proficiency not really focusing on small details. Make sure your well rested, its a long day.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center: 
    Name :US doc hopeful


    Exam Center: Atlanta  Chicago  Houston  Los Angeles  Philadelphia

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    Exam Center: Atlanta  Chicago  Houston  Los Angeles  Philadelphia
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