USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Atlanta
    Exam Date:26.April.2007
    Weeks for Result:6
    My Experience:Hi I havent seen any other center of CS but I m sure that chicago center is best and proctors are extremly helpful and cool.Food is excellant. I reached the exam center half hour before, was feeling cool, because i practiced a lot with different kind of people mostly on phone and with my friends,and somtimes with my self. Truly speaking after exam i had 3 to 4 sleepless night because of the mistakes i made in exam.So I want to tell you that mistakes are part of exam and being a human being u have to make them, offcourse in limit. Here are my mistakes 1. I examined a patient while instructions were not to examine. 2. I rubbed my hands against appron in two cases before exam. 3.In one case i forgot to ask pam hugs foss and when i realized, it was hardly 30 seconds left and i started firing questions to patient....bad impression 4. I couldnt reach to diagnosis in 5 cases. 5. I couldnt completed 2 cases in time 6.In two cases i made patient repeat the same thing three times 7.Once i asked " r u sexualy active without transition. 8.
    My Advice & My Errors:Here are my mistakes 1. I examined a patient while instructions were not to examine. 2. I rubbed my hands against appron in two cases before exam. 3.In one case i forgot to ask pam hugs foss and when i realized, it was hardly 30 seconds left and i started firing questions to patient....bad impression 4. I couldnt reach to diagnosis in 5 cases. 5. I couldnt completed 2 cases in time 6.In two cases i made patient repeat the same thing three times 7.Once i asked " r u sexualy active without transition. 8.I skip many points of examination in cases which are irrelevant, especially i coudnt perform lung nd heart in 4 cases. 9. I make some corrections in patient note, mainly for the sequence of D/Ds. My hand writing wasnt good. So what was the good points which passed opening statement with smile, shake hand and eye contact. 2. draping every SP after introducing and asking - r u comfortable now? 3.beging with open ended Q and then duration onset and progress. then i coverd all Qs according to D/Ds which i used to write in my blue paper before entering. 4.washed my hand every time. 5. completed the history within 9 minutes 5. completing PE in time (though i delebratly skipped some examintions) 6. councel every SP (exept 1) 7. My first motive was patient's comfort (in whole exam i never assumed that they are SPs) 8. To every patient I asked about weekend/ grand children/ job or college life while washing hands, every patient was happy with these questions (after all remember that the SPs are human beings) 9. I prepared my self in such a way that writing notes doesnt loose the eye contact, I suggest u must develop a short hand for exam. good luck
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    Name :jolly


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