USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Atlanta
    Exam Date:3.January.2006
    Weeks for Result:12 Weeks
    My Experience:Great experience, it was actually FUN!! The facility is state of the art & the staff was incrediably friendly!! The SP's were very good and made you feel as if I were actually in a clinic or the ER. Thank god I did many rotations in the ER & Acute/Admission medicne wards, it really helped!! I used the First Aid & Kaplan CS review books and combined the best of both together while studying. I was able to practice on my wife and I strongly recommend practicing w/ someone to get feedback about your approach and communication. My wife was very honest and made me feel very confident by the time the exam rolled around!
    My Advice & My Errors:Utilize well known step2 CS review book(s). Practice as many cases as possibly w/ a partner. If you have worked hard during your 3rd & 4th year rotations and have taken many H&P's, you will PASS with flying colors! If you were lazy, like many of my classmates, then you better put in the extra time required to pass! I wrote out my patient notes, many typed on my test day! Do whats most comfortable. Eat a light breakfast, get plenty of rest, I could not sleep as I kept going over everything in my head!! Not Recommended!! If traveling give yourself a full day in the city before the exam.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:I took a flight out of NY on Delta, 2 days before my exam. I spent the day before walking to the test center(<5 minutes from the hotel) and looking around to familarize myself. I read over my high yield notes, DDX & Labs. Watched a few movies. There are great inexpensive hotels within a mile of the Atlanta test center. They even asked me, at the hotel, if I were here for the CS exam, made me feel welcomed and told me I would too GREAT!! If you shop the internet, you can find great bargains for the flight & hotel and don't forget to use your AAA card if you have one. I saved alot more $$ on the hotel by mentoning that I was a member!! Good Luck everyone and have fun, this is what we will be doing for the rest of our lives, so enjoy the experience and Pass!!!
    Name :DocTodd


    Exam Center: Atlanta  Chicago  Houston  Los Angeles  Philadelphia

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