USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
Real Experiences from Real People...


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    Exam Center:Atlanta
    Exam Date:12.April.2009
    Weeks for Result:12
    My Experience:I am a U.S. Citizen IMG and I have had the fortune to work in the U.S. Healthcare system. I studied for about 1 month. I used First Aid for the CS and UWorld, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED. I practiced on a lot of people: Friends, family, co-workers and drug reps. Most of my practice time was here at the clinic. I would study the cases at home. When I got to the test center, there were many people from many countries. One physician from the Middle East couldn't stop telling me how nervous he was. The staff at the Center were all extremely friendly and professional. The SPs were spot on with their cases and were all very very friendly. I heard one person complain that the SPs were rude to her because she spoke terrible English, SO PRACTICE YOUR ENGLISH! The cases are very common cases that you would see at any medical office in the USA. Most of my cases were a combination of cases from First Aid for the CS. UWorld teaches you how to ask the questions and write the note.
    My Advice & My Errors:My ADVICE: 1) Believe in yourself, you sacrificed many years to get to this point. 2) PRACTICE PRACTICE, 3) I suggest that you write the patient note, rather than typing it, because typing takes too long and you have limited space, 4) STUDY FIRST AID AND WORLD ONLY!!!! 5) Be natural with the patient, let your personality be shown, if you are one of those physicians that think that they are too important to be nice to the patient, HUMBLE YOURSELF! 6) MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE PATIENT AND SHOW EMPATHY! 7) Instead of writing PAMHUGSFOSS on your paper, practice it by remembering what you have to ask, the patients notice when you look at your paper to ask the next question. ERRORS: 1) Typed the first 5 notes and I did not finish two notes. 2)Did not finish examining 1 patient, the patient took too long to answer the questions. 3) Got nervous, no need to get nervous.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:Stayed at the Hacienda Hotel, $85/night. About 1 block down the road from the testing center.
    Name :IMG FROM USA


    Exam Center: Atlanta  Chicago  Houston  Los Angeles  Philadelphia

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