USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
USMLE Step 2 CS (CSA) Experiences
Real Experiences By Real People
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    Exam Center:Houston
    Exam Date:21.February.2006
    Weeks for Result:8 Weeks
    My Experience:Hi everyone, Well I took the exam yesterday in Houston. Didnt leave with a very good feeling. The cases are all very similar to FA and UW. tHE sps werent friendly. I know they were acting, but let me say they were amazing actors which shook my nerves. I had saved the counselling part till the end, but the sp usually interrupts you in the middle and asks you the question you had saved for the last. So in the end you have nothing more to say and the SP does not have anything to ask you.I wasnt short of time except the first case. I forgot to wash my hands in one case and literally forgot to do rinne and weber and look into the fundus where most needed. My advice write the imp stuff on the paper before you enter specially the DD because once you enter the flow of questions stops and you do run out of things to ask. I didnt have a single case with any finding. Either i missed it or they were none. Most of the questions I asked i got the answer as No so either my line of questioning wasnt correct or there wasnt any one diagnosis and they are marking you for eacha nd everything you ask. You will be surprised whem most questions they will be saying no but suddenly they pop up with a yes- for instance they day no high bp/dm/stroke but yes for a high cholesterol and of course I forgot to counsel about that. I usually forgot to ask LMP/PAP SMEAR/COLONOSCOPY, look into the fundus, wash hands so I wrote this down on my paper before entering. And of course dumb me still missed out on these things. One usually doesnt get a chance to look at the paper often. make a habit of recapitualting the things you discussed in the history and ask if you had missed on anything, usually the pt will tell you if you had-hopefully. One pt I am pretty sure said she had been feeling poorly since 3 hrs but when i recapped she said it was 2 hrs. Guys anyone has more to ask please feel free to do so. digital doc you are the BEST.
    My Advice & My Errors:Practice a lot. Try to stay calm. Write at least a few DD before you enter. If you plan to do the CNS EXAM write down the components you want to do before you enter. Observe everything and mention it aloud like tatoos, piercings.... If the person is yawning ask if he did not sleep well. Find out how much alcohol is normal to drink. I counselled someone where apparently there was no need so I saw the SP frowning at me. Its hard to be nice towards the end but remember each case is a fresh one. I was clumsy everywhere. specially with the otoscope . each time i would look the speculum would stay stuck in the ear so I would have to use a new one. Each time i put it back it would fall off the stand. Dont waste time to pick it back. You will lose time. The SP wont help you take off the gown specially the sleeves so do it yourself. No need to tie it back , just cover him up.The tongue depressor was in a cover. I wasnt familiar so wasted time trying to find it. Be swift in tearing the cover and throwing it in the bin. In a CNS case the pt had an umbilical hernia. I wasnt even going to examine the abdomen but you can imagine my relief later.While washing your hands I usually asked where they worked and if they enjoyed doing it.Try looking at them while doing so.Everything is a pretense so do a good job of doing it. If the pt gives you a clue about something while examining say I dont see well, stop what you are doing and do the vision/snellen. I thought of completing what I was doing and then doing it, but of course I forgot in the end. Dress code for women- I think formal pants black/brown dark blue/gray/khaki should be fine. Formal shirt with collars should be fine. I wore a round neck sweater as I get cold easily, but most other women were in shirts. Closed shoes (formal ones) in the front/back.breath freshners and smelling good is important part of the attire. Once again no expert on fashion, just some of the things i feel might be appropriate.
    My Stay / Cost / Travel to Center:I stayed at the clarion inn and what comes to my mind- crappy hotel. not the room but i didnt get any sleep at ALL. People were yelling all night in the corridors and banging doors. Next door tv and shower feels like its on in your own room. But the good part its a stone throw from the centre. For people who get apprehensive while travelling alone its still a good bet. You will find some one staying at the hotel taking the exam with you. Its a big comfort.they have a free shuttle to and fro from the airport.they keep your luggage in a room if you want to check out before you leave. Do go and take a walk to the centre the day before and find out which door is the entrance. Its in a huge building with a bank. its on the 7 floor st 700. Only if that does not change periodically. there is a deli on the first floor where you can have breakfast before the exam. You can even eat at the hotel. There is a popeyes/MacD close by too. Lunch served is bread/cheese/tuna salad/veg soup/fruits/cookies and tons of beverages. You can keep some chips/cookies for the next break if you get hungry. Do go to the bathroom everytime you have a break. you can go in the middle of a case but its time taken from your case time. You can take your own food too. Good luck
    Name :Sneha


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