Being Black in the Burgh

Being Black in the Burgh

How is it for you as an African-American growing up in the Burgh?
What are your experiences in this city?
Do you often think of moving down south to cities like Charlotte or Atlanta?
Did you move and find it to be better or worse?

We would like to know how you feel about being Black in the Burgh!

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Where are you from?:PA
City you live in now:Pittsburgh
What's your Race?:Blackness
Male or Female?:Male
Email Address (optional)
My Opinion is...:Pittsburgh is just a Racist city and it gets me still thinking that my Black people still try to blend on in or better yet to except crumbs off their tables.No even though I have been born in this sad state of Pa I do not like or want to be assimilated with or about them.Brothers and sisters that have had mere runs in with the law coming out of these cages of captivity need jobs,housing,and education to provide for their families and yet come to find out that these white -animals only care about a continuing process to destroy our own culture as Black people.The only thing that they have respect for is their Dollar and they will continue to ruin,destroy,annilate people of color.These white animals are not your friends and I can state facts than just fiction.I am PRO-BlACKNESS always.
Any people of color that desires or wants to be with these animals I have no respect for you.So if you lay down with dogs and associate yourself to be or want to be like them,what does this say about you? I don't care about one's attitude if I have caused you to be upset or angered,get over it.When will you come to right state of your natural mind? Blackness will reign supreme always.

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