Victorian Era Calling Cards Genealogical Database
Victorian Era Calling Cards Genealogical Database
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Victorian Era Calling Card
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Call Number:Kunt-MO
Full Name on Card:Samuel A Kuntzy
State/Country of Last Location:Missouri, USA
Type of Card:Standard
Phrase or Term of Endearment:Name Only
Name - Printed or Handwritten:Printed
Genealogical Information:No Information yet
In Scrapbook?:No
Card Pattern:Unknown

This database is one of the first online for calling card data. The cards come from all over the world (most from the U.S.) and date from 1850-1910 and are mainly undated.

- People around the world used calling cards for the call - which is a visit to someones house or place. Special etiquette rules were honored for such a visit.
- Ever wonder where your relatives visited? Or even where the calling cards they may have given out ended up? This database is meant to answer these questions and more importantly - how they noted themselves on the cards. The names can also give insight on what could be noted on documents.

- The data presented is to be considered "As Is" and the database owner (Colleen Method AKA Chilandra) should not be held liable for errors in names or in an entry. The names presently in the database come from Chilandra's own collection of cards.

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